【Dr.K】纳米抗菌喷雾 Nano Mist The Natural Ionic Mineral
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- RM 100.00
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- RM 100.00
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RM 0.00
纳米抗菌喷雾 一种由100%天然纳米矿物质和能量水组成的革命性产品。主要成分是阳离子铜2+,专为敏感肌肤设计,温和快速地消除微生物,并在长时间内防止再感染。
纳米抗菌喷雾 通过微量纳米矿物质滋养您的肌肤,使其保持清洁和新鲜。无色、无味、不粘腻的喷雾具有理想的消毒特性,有效抑制我们周围的微生物。
体验 纳米抗菌喷雾 温和而强大的呵护,用大自然的精华保护您的敏感肌肤。
Nano Mist The Natural Ionic Mineral, a revolutionary product composed of 100% natural nano minerals in energy water. The main ingredient, cationic copper 2+, is specially formulated to be gentle on sensitive skin, effectively eliminating microorganisms and preventing reinfection for a prolonged period.
Nano Mist The Natural Ionic Mineral nourishes your skin with trace nano minerals, keeping it clean and fresh. This colorless, odorless, and non-sticky mist offers ideal sanitizing properties, effectively retarding the microorganisms around us.
Experience the gentle yet powerful care of Nano Mist The Natural Ionic Mineral and protect your sensitive skin with nature’s finest ingredients.
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